Bobby Elliott

High School English Teacher

Bobby Elliott is an award-winning poet and teacher. His debut collection of poems, The Same Man, was selected by Nate Marshall as the winner of the 2025 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize and is forthcoming from the University of Pittsburgh Press on September 9, 2025. Raised in New York City, he earned his B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and studied at the University of Oxford as a Gilman Scholar. He went on to earn his M.F.A. from the University of Virginia, where he was a Poe/Faulkner Fellow and won the Kahn Prize for Teaching for his work with undergraduate writers. Recent poems have appeared in or are forthcoming from The Cortland ReviewDiodeONLY POEMSNorth American ReviewPoet LoreRHINO and elsewhere. On the NWA faculty since 2021, Bobby currently teaches Creative Writing and Humanities 1.